Portraiture and Chiaroscuro: The Power of Light and Dark




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  Portraiture step by step Videos
Here is information about the completion of a portrait, for this purpose I have chosen to use the portrait "Heidi Klum Mysterious, Medieval"  and "Marilyn Monroe, Sultry"
  Step 1:  sketched the basic portrait onto the canvas sketch fixed
Step 2:  started painting the shadowing and some of the detail
Step 3: more shadow before overpainting with the detail
Step 4: continued to add detail and shape the head
Step 5: skeched the headdress to the shape of the head
Step 6: started to do the headdress with the light and shadow of the folds
Step 7: painted the background and put the finishing details in the work

Heidi Klum Mysterious, .....


Marilyn Monroe,Sultry


My art in general

Heidi-Klum   Heidi-Klum   Heidi-Klum  

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